Monday, October 22, 2007

Entradas - A Comer

Alcachofas - Artichokes with Lemon Herb Dressing

Serves 6

6 large artichokes
½ medium lemon
6 tablespoons Aliño Para Ensaladas (see recipe in Aliños post)

Remove lower artichoke leaves and cut off the stem. Place artichokes standing up in a pot of boiling water and add the lemon half it helps to keep the artichokes green. Simmer the artichokes for 30 minutes in enough water to almost cover them. Then remove the artichokes from the water and allow them to drain and cool to room temperature. To serve, place the whole artichoke on a salad plate. In a separate small bowl, put about 2 tablespoons of Aliño de Ensaladas.

Tomates Rellenos con Choclo - Corn stuffed tomatoes

Serves 4

4 large ripe tomatoes
1 ½ cup of corn kernels, precooked
½ cup of chopped ham
½ cup of onions, peeled, chopped and washed in hot water
4 tablespoons Mayonesa (see recipe in the Aliños post)
2 cups lettuce, shredded

Cut off the top of the tomatoes and remove the inner pulp with a spoon; remove and discard the seeds and chop the pulp. Mix the tomato pulp with the corn, ham, onions and 2 tablespoons mayonesa. Fill the hollowed out tomatoes with the mixture and top with a dollop of mayonesa. Serve cold on a bed of shredded lettuce.

Tortilla de Papas - Potato Omelet

Serves 6

8 medium potatoes, peeled, thinly sliced
6 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium onion, peeled and sliced
1 medium red bell pepper, sliced
3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
1 link chorizo, diced
4 large eggs separated
1 pinch of cream of tartar

Fry the potatoes in 2 tablespoons oil and drain the over absorbent paper towels. Saute the onion, bell pepper, garlic and chorizo. Beat the egg whites with cream of tartar to form soft peaks. Beat the egg yolks and fold into the egg whites; fold in all the other ingredients, trying not to deflate the whites. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a large omelet pan. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and cook until the lower part is brown. Invert the omelet by using a dish larger than the frying pan. Remove the pan from the heat, hold the dish upside down over the pan with one hand, hold pan the the other hand and flip the omelet over onto the dish. Slide the omelet back into the pan with the golden brown side up. Shake it into place and slowly cook other side until golden brown. Serve immediately or allow to cool and serve cold.